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An example of cirgrid25-7(3 parts – large hollow)
dated February 16, 1868. This 25mm
circular grid of 7 bars is divided into
three parts with a large uncolored hollow center.
A punch pin sometimes marks as a small dot in the center.
Grids classed as "circular" are not necessarily "round" – in fact few are. This group
of marks has more than 29 distinct devices – some references include essentially
identical marks from different devices. The "bars" often consist of rows of small
squares – or even dots - sometimes arranged so randomly they are hard to organize in
neat rows of "bars." Some circular grids were impressions from cork devices and their
shape and appearance changed remarkably with use, making it difficult at times to
determine whether a different device was used or whether one device took on several
appearances over time. An effort to present a comparison study of some of these
circular grids is set out at the end of this page. The following cancels constitute
the "circular" grids:
Rarity 1R
7 x 7
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-30
Usage: uncertain origin, 1870's; also noted on
issues of 1894.
Shaffer: "7x7, about 16mm. On 1¢ mauve of
The arrangement seems to reach 17mm at points. The example on Scott No. 76 is a
different mark, but fits the root description. See note, below, on round grids of
Rarity 1R
Blue, purple
Davey 2
Shaffer 2-1
Usage: Koloa, 1888. Noted on Scott Nos. 31a and
Davey: "Circular grid of 4 bars, 18mm.
Usually blue, sometimes purple."
Shaffer: reserved 2-1 for Davey 2 but had not
seen it.
The bars are made up of small squares that show in one strike I have. Also, I measure
it at 18.5mm.
Rarity 1R
9 X 9
Davey unlisted
Shaffer unlisted
Usage: uncertain origin, mid-1880's.
Compare this cancel to cirgrid20-8
and cirgrid20-9
but the size is 18mm.
Noted on Scott No. 45. See note, below, on round grids of squares.
Rarity 1R
4 X 4
Davey unlisted
Shaffer unlisted
Usage: uncertain origin, mid-1880's.
Noted on Scott Nos. 35, 39 and 43. See note, below, on round grids of squares.
Rarity 1RR
Red, black
Shaffer rendering
Davey 7
Shaffer 2-3
Usage: Honolulu, September 11, 1852 to May, 1853
or later.
Davey: "Circular grid of 7 bars, 20mm., black,
and red, Honolulu, 1854. Seen on some of the 'Missionaries' and the 'Boston Engraved'
One of the "Jupiter" cancels. The bars are uneven compared to
See note, below, on Jupiter cancels.
Rarity 1RR
Red, black
Lot 78
Shaffer rendering
(Courtesy of David Volstrup-Petersen)
Davey 7
Shaffer 2-4
Usage: Honolulu from September 6, 1854 to October
13, 1855.
One of the "Jupiter" cancels found on the Missionary and Boston Engraved stamps in
red or black.
Shaffer: "Bars more even than above
Two or more similar cancels, one with bars farther apart?"
In my own study, the Jupiter cancels found on the Missionary and Boston Engraved stamps are
all cirgrid20-7(uneven),
but some strikes are difficult to see well. See note, below, on Jupiter cancels. A later example is noted on Scott No. 33 (lowest illustration on the left), believed to be from the 1870s. This example appears to be from a different device.
cirgrid20-7(hand cut)
Rarity 1R
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-5
Usage: unknown origin, mid to late 1890's.
Shaffer: "7 bars. 20mm. Hand cut. On 1893
and 1894 issues."
A late variety of the "Jupiter" cancel. The bars appear very uneven and hand cut. See
note, below, on Jupiter cancels.
cirgrid20-7(X cut)
Rarity 1RRRR
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-20
Usage: unknown origin, 1862.
Shaffer: "7 bars with X about 20mm. On 2¢
black on blue-gray numeral [Scott No. 18], about 1863."
The two end bars are thick and the center bars are thin. See Adm. Harris Sale II, lot
Estimated 7
8 x 7
Davey 12
Shaffer 2-32
Shaffer 2-33
Usage: Probably a San Francisco or ship cancel
used on loose foreign letters or letters mailed aboard ship in the late 1880's to early
Davey: "Circular grid of 8 bars, 20mm., each
divided into 9 short slugs, black. 1880's."
Shaffer uses 2-32 for the mark described by
Davey as type 12 but says the mark is unconfirmed. I find the example shown matches
Davey's description of his type 12.
Shaffer describes 2-33 as "Several similar
marks, all probably San Francisco 1880's-early 1890's: 9x9 20mm; 9x11 or 12, 20mm; 8x8
(?) 23mm; 8x10 (?) 22mm."
Types cirgrid20-8
and cirgrid20-9
cover Davey 12 and the 20mm marks included in Shaffer 2-33. Each bar is divided into
nine rows of small squares about 20mm diameter arranged 8 x 7, 8 x 9, 9 x 9 or 9 x 12.
Compare types cirgrid22-8
and cirgrid23-8,
which are almost indistinguishable. See note, below, on round grids of squares.
Rarity 1R
Scott No. 5
Wolffers Auction
#104, lot 1480
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-8
Usage: Honolulu, 1850's.
Shaffer: "8 non-parallel bars. About 21mm.
Red, on 13¢ of 1853-55."
A variety of the "Jupiter" cancel. The bars are not parallel as in the
"Jupiter" style. See note, below, on Jupiter cancels.
Rarity 1R
Purple, black
Shaffer rendering
Davey 1
Shaffer 2-26
Shaffer 2-33
Usage: unknown origin; noted on Scott Nos. 74 and
Davey: "Circular grid of 3 bars, each divided
into 3 parts, 22mm., purple. Used on late issues only."
Shaffer: "Black on 2¢ Scott31, but may be the
Query whether both images shown here are the same mark.
Cancel unconfirmed
Davey 3
Shaffer 2-27
Davey: "Circular grid of 5 bars, each divided into
5 parts, 22mm., black. Late 1860's."
Shaffer: reserved 2-27 for Davey 3 but had not seen it.
Cancel unconfirmed
Davey 5
Shaffer 2-2
Davey: "Circular grid of 6 bars, 22mm."
Shaffer: reserved 2-2 for Davey 5 but had not
seen it.
Estimated 7
September, 1893
7 x 6
7 x 7
Shaffer rendering
Davey 8
Shaffer 2-31
Shaffer 2-33
Usage: Thought to be applied at San Francisco on
loose letters in foreign mail, 1893-1897.
Davey: "Circular grid of 7 bars, 22mm., each
divided into 6 parts, black. Probably in the 1890's. The most common form of the
'divided bars.'"
Shaffer: "7x6, about 22mm. Probably several
similar cancels. Probably a San Francisco (paquebot) mark. 1893 – May, 1897."
Type cirgrid22-7(squares)
includes several marks arranged 7 x 6 or 7 x 7. See note, below, on round grids of
Rarity 1R
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-24
Usage: Honolulu, 1853-1855
Shaffer: "7 bars. On 13¢ of 1853-1855."
(See Robson Lowe Auction Bermuda 2, lot 2211).
Estimated 5
8 x 10
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-33
Usage: Probably a San Francisco cancel used on
loose letters or letters mailed aboard ship in the late 1880's to early 1890's.
Shaffer: "Several similar marks, all probably
San Francisco 1880's – early 1890's: 9x9 20mm; 9x11 or 12, 20mm; 8x8 (?) 23mm; 8x10
(?) 22mm."
Type cirgrid22-8
represents the 22mm marks included in Shaffer 2-33. Each bar is divided into eight
rows of small squares about 22mm diameter, arranged 8 x 10. Compare types
and cirgrid23-8.
See note, below, on round grids of squares.
Estimated 5
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-33
Usage: Probably a San Francisco or ship cancel
used on loose letters or letters mailed aboard ship in the late 1880's to early 1890's.
See notes for
Type cirgrid23-8
represents the 23mm marks included in Shaffer 2-33. Each bar is divided into nine rows
of small squares about 23mm diameter arranged 8 x 8. Compare types
and cirgrid22-8.
See note, below, on round grids of squares.
cirgrid25-7(3parts – dash slit)
Rarity 1R
Black, blue
August 23, 1871
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-23
Usage: Lahaina in black (early) or blue (later)
from January, 1873 to September, 1887.
Shaffer: "7 bars. 25mm. With sharp dash
about 3mm long in center of the middle bar, which usually punches the stamp."
Three of the seven varieties of
are quite similar with the rows of bars divided into three parts. I am unsure what
mark the blue strikes represent. Finding Shaffer's dash slit is difficult and is
impossible to discern from photos.
cirgrid25-7(3 parts – small hollow)
Scarcity 3
October 5, 1882
Davey 11
Shaffer unlisted
Usage: Probably Honolulu; noted on Scott Nos. 31a and 38.
Davey: "Circular grid of 7 bars, 25mm., each
divided into 3 parts, black, blue. The middle bar had a projecting pin at its midpoint,
which in most cases punched a hole in the stamp. A 'punch' or 'scarifying cancel'."
The punch pin is in a small uncolored center or hollow. Compare
cirgrid25-7(large hollow).
cirgrid25-7(3 parts – large hollow)
Rarity 1R
February 16, 1868
Davey 11
Shaffer unlisted
Usage: Honolulu, June, 1867 to January 20, 1868.
See notes for cirgrid25-7(3 parts – small hollow).
The uncolored center is considerably larger than
cirgrid25-7(small hollow).
This larger hollow mark is found on earlier stamps.
cirgrid25-7(undivided bars)
Estimated 5
Shaffer rendering
Davey 9
Shaffer 2-7
Usage: Honolulu, January 20, 1868 to December 20,
1868; Hilo in the late 1860's; Waiohinu, March 16, 1881.
Davey: "Circular grid of 7 bars, 25mm., black.
Fairly common. From Honolulu, 1867-68."
Shaffer: "7 bars without punch pin, 25mm.
Honolulu Feb. 10, 1868 – Dec. 20, 1868." Also: "Similar from Waiohinu, Mar. 16, 1881
(size undetermined) – but looks similar."
In this type of cirgrid25-7,
the bars are undivided; it is the commonest form of
The Waiohinu March 16, 1881 strike is quite similar, if not identical (See Spelman
Auction #33, lot 404).
Rarity 1R
Shaffer rendering
Davey 14
Shaffer 2-35
Usage: Origin uncertain, probably Honolulu,
January 3, 1876 to February 4, 1876.
Davey: "Circular grid of many rows of small dashes, black. Used at Waiohinu, 1881."
Shaffer: "About 12x7. Waiohinu, Apr. 30,
1881. Honolulu (probably), January 3, 1876 – Feb. 4 '76. 25mm."
Regarding whether this mark was used at Waiohinu, see
lett25-7(dashes PO),
the variety with PO. That mark is found under Letters.
cirgrid25-7(dash slits)
Rarity 1R
Davey rendering
July 30, 1887,
Davey 10
Shaffer 2-21
Usage: Unknown origin; about 1870; noted on Scott No. 31a.
Davey: "Same form as No. 9, with most of each
bar cut away, producing a series of regular dashes, thus making a punch cancel or
'scarifying cancel' which penetrated the stamp. Black, 1870."
Shaffer: reserved 2-27 for Davey 3 but had not seen it.
The bars are almost worn away in the lower image shown.
The Lahaina strike seems to match except the dashes do not penetrate and the date
is well past the range reported. Could it be a worn strike of
cirgrid25-7(undivided bars)
or is it a blue strike of one of the
Cancel unconfirmed
Davey rendering
Davey 13
Shaffer 2-25
Davey: "Circular grid of 8 bars, 25mm, each divided into three parts."
Shaffer: reserved 2-25 for Davey 13 but had
not seen it.
Except for the number of bars and the absence of a reference to a dash slit, the
description matches cirgrid25-7(3parts – dash slit).
Davey illustrated his type 13 on Plate 1. I wonder whether an 8 bar device exists or
whether Davey erred in his description.
Scarcity 3
8 x 9
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-34
Usage: Honolulu, December 26, 1868.
Shaffer: "8 x 9, about 25mm. More irregularly
divided than others [types cirgrid20-8,
and cirgrid23-8]."
See note, below, on round grids of squares.
Cancel unconfirmed
Davey 4
Shaffer 2-28
Davey: "Circular grid of 3 bars, each divided into
4 parts, about 28mm. Found on the 'Missionaries.' probably Honolulu."
Shaffer: reserved 2-28 for Davey 4 but had not
seen it.
John Bash suggested this type is an incomplete strike of
cirgrid28-6(6 x 5).
cirgrid28-6(6 x 5)
Scarcity 2
Advertiser lot 6
Left bars are joined
Davey 6
Shaffer 2-29
Usage: Honolulu, September 10, 1853 to October 20,
1853 (the usage period is probably wider, but this period is based on dated examples).
See Siegel census 1-I-CAN-2; 1-II CAN-10 through 13, Advertiser Sale Catalogue, Vol. 1,
p. 241, et seq. Also, see lots 6 and 77.
Davey: "Circular grid of 6 bars, each divided
into 4 parts, about 28mm. Found on the 'Missionaries,' probably Honolulu."
Each bar is divided into five parts in one direction and six parts in the other.
Inking variations can run squares together. See note, below, on round grids of squares.
cirgrid28-6(6 x 6)
Rarity 1RRRR
December 26, 1868
Davey unlisted
Shaffer unlisted
Usage: Honolulu, December 26, 1868.
Each bar is divided into six squares in a circular but not round shape. See note,
below, on round grids of squares.
Rarity 1RRRR
Shaffer rendering
Davey unlisted
Shaffer 2-9
Usage: Probably Honolulu, 1861-1864.
Shaffer: "about 15 thin bars. Red on 5¢ of
Size given is approximate. See Metro Auction #118, lot 222.
Round Grids of Squares:
Numerous circular grids are squares, boxes or dots arranged in sort of a round shape.
To make comparison easier, they are collected here in one display:
7 x 7
Shaffer rendering
9 X 9
4 X 4
8 x 7
Shaffer rendering
September, 1893
7 x 6
7 x 7
Estimated 5
8 x 10
Shaffer rendering
Shaffer rendering
8 x 9
Shaffer rendering
cirgrid28-6(6 x 5)
Advertiser lot 6
cirgrid28-6(6 x 6)
December 26, 1868
Jupiter Cancels Compared:
The various "Jupiter" cancels are shown here for comparison.
Shaffer rendering
Lot 78
Shaffer rendering
cirgrid20-7(hand cut)
Shaffer rendering
Scott No. 5
Shaffer rendering
Back to Cancels: Bars.
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