This page last updated: 16 December 2005

::: San Francisco Manuscript, Straightline
and Single Circle Postmarks to 1870

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From the very beginning of the United States post office at San Francisco, mail from Hawaii was deposited there for transmission to New York by the steamer route via Panama. Mail sent from Hawaii was postmarked by the San Francisco post office because it first entered the United States mail stream there. Thus, most early San Francisco postmarks are represented on mail from Hawaii. Mail to Hawaii received a San Francisco postmark only if the letter was first deposited there. Because most mail for Hawaii originated somewhere else in the United States - or entered the United States mail stream somewhere else - few early letters to Hawaii bear a San Francisco postmark.

Usage dates shown for the following postmarks are those given for their entire usage period. The usage of these marks on Hawaiian mail can be more limited.

Earliest San Francisco Postmarks

San Francisco Manuscript

SF ms 17Apr49 detail

April 17, 1849

1. Mahoney type 1
Williams SAF 220
Usage: March 15, 1849-June 20, 1849
Recorded on one cover from Hawaii.


SF straightline

June 20, 1849

2. Mahoney type 2
Williams SAF 230
Usage: June 20, 1849-August 1, 1849
Recorded on one cover from Hawaii. See Mail to California and via San Francisco and Panama

Circular Date Stamps

SF Cal_20Nov49-1

November 20, 1849

3. Mahoney type 3
Williams SAF 260
32.5mm (I measure it at 33mm)
Usage: August 1, 1849-July 1, 1851
Note there is a 5mm gap between the "S" of "San Francisco" and the "C" of "Cal." [Compare with type 6, below.]

SFcds 28Feb50 40

February 28, 1850

4. Mahoney type 6-4
Williams SAF 250
Usage August 1, 1849-July 15, 1850
Note this integral "40" rate mark has serifed letters, as in types 3 and 5, unlike type 7.

SF CAL 8Apr50 80

April 5, 1850

5. Mahoney type 6-5
Williams SAF 270
Usage: April 10, 1850-October 4, 1850
Note this integral "80" mark has serifed letters as in types 3 and 4.

SF cds 1Jun50

June 1, 1850

SF cds June 14 51

June 14, 1851

6. Mahoney type 3
Williams SAF 280
Usage: May 31, 1850-August 21, 1852
black, orange-red
Note the "S" of "San Francisco" is 3mm from the "C" of "Cal." Mahoney lumps my types 3 and 6 together as his number 3. Williams fails to distinguish between strikes with or without a period after "Cal".

SF cds May 15 50 integ 40

May 15, 1850

7. Mahoney type 7-2
Williams SAF 290
Usage: May 15, 1850-June 1, 1851
Note the letters of type 7 are unserifed, unlike type 4. Image is from the Advertiser Sale catalogue, lot 2094, Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries

SF cds Oct 21 50 RECd

October 21, 1850

8. Mahoney type 6
Williams SAF 310
Usage: September 30, 1850-November 5, 1851
Note the Williams tracing places "RECd" above the date rather than below it. Image is taken from a black and white photograph in Meyer and Harris. I have not examined the cover.

SF cds March 1 51

March 1, 1851

9. Mahoney type 6-B
Williams unlisted
Usage: January 31, 1851-July __, 1851
Note there is a blank space at the bottom, but otherwise this mark is very similar to types 4 and 5.

Mahoney type 10

November 1, 1851

10. Mahoney type 10
Williams SAF 410
Usage: November 1, 1851-December, 1854

SF cds March 20 52 integ 6

March 20, 1852

11. Mahoney type 7-1
Williams SAF 340
Usage: July 1, 1851-March 20, 1852

SF CAL 4Dec51

December 4, 1851

SF CAL 1Dec52 blue-1

December 1, 1852

12. Mahoney type 5-2
Williams SAF 350
Usage: July 15, 1851-August 21, 1856
black, blue
Note the letters "SCO" are tightly spaced compared to type 12 and there is no period after "CAL". The gap between the "S" of "San Francisco and the "C" of "CAL." is 5mm.

SF CAL_ 16Jul55

July 16, 1855

SF CAL_ 30Jun55-1

June 30, 1855

13. Mahoney type 5-1
Williams SAF 420
Usage: July 25,1853-September 19, 1857
Note there is a period after "CAL." and the letters "SCO" are spaced more widely than in type 11. The gap between the "S" of "San Francisco and the "C" of "CAL." is 4mm.

SF cds 5Sep56

September 5, 1856

14. Mahoney type 4
Williams SAF 490
Usage: March 19, 1855-June 20, 1857
Note the usage period given here is from Hawaiian covers. It begins a year earlier than Williams reports and continues for a year later. Mahoney gives the usage period for this mark as November, 1849 to January, 1860, but evidence in support of that report is lacking.

SF cds Aug 16 55 Free

August 16, 1855

15. Mahoney type 8-6
Williams SAF 470
Usage: August 16, 1855-January 5, 1858

SF cds 6Apr57 12Paid

August 6, 1857

16. Mahoney type 8-2
Williams unlisted but similar to SAF 450 (his 26PAID)
Usage: April 6, 1857-May 5, 1857
Note the usage period here is from Hawaiian covers because neither Williams nor Mahoney separates this mark for a distinct usage period and its most common use was on mail from Hawaii.

SF cds 25Jul59 12 PAID

July 25, 1859

17. Mahoney type 11-1
Williams unlisted but similar to SAF 500 (his 15Paid)
Usage: July 20, 1857-May 21, 1861
Note the usage period is taken from Hawaiian covers and is longer than reported by Mahoney.

SF cds 19Dec60

December 19, 1860

18. Mahoney type 13
Williams SAF 530
Usage: July 20, 1857-December __, 1861
black, red

SF Cal 5 Oct57-1

October 5, 1857

SF Cal_ 22Oct57-1

October 22, 1857

19. Mahoney type 12-1 (with period)
Mahoney type 12-2 (without period)
Williams SAF 540 (with or without a period)
Usage: September 5, 1857-July 10, 1863

SF cds 5Mar58 12-1

March 5, 1858

20. Mahoney type 15-1
Williams SAF 580
Usage: January 5, 1858-June 11, 1861
Note the year date in the image should be 1859 for reasons discussed in the Middle Treaty Period page. The usage period is taken from Hawaiian covers. Williams reports just November 16, 1850 and Mahoney gives June, 1857 to January, 1861.

SF cds 20Sep59 Paid

September 20, 1859

21. Mahoney type 14
Williams SAF 550
Williams SAF 520
January 5, 1858-March 6, 1863
red, black
Note Williams's type 520 shows the word "Paid" more tightly spaced with a 10mm gap between the "S" of "San Francisco" and the "P" of "Paid." His type 550 has an 8mm gap. I have noted only type 550 on Hawaiian covers. Williams reports a usage period for type 520 as July 17, 1857 to April 15, 1860.

SF cds 11Nov67

November 11, 1867

SF CAL_ 15Nov67 red-1

November 15, 1867

SF CAL 6May69

May 6, 1869

22. Mahoney type 19
Williams SAF 640
Williams SAF 670
Williams SAF 790
Usage: March 4, 1866-April 28, 1875
Note: these various marks (studied in some depth at Mahoney, Appendix 1) lapped over into the 1870's and are treated in more detail at San Francisco Postmarks Found on Hawaiian Mail 1867 to 1900.

SFcds 18Oct68 PAID ALL

October 18, 1868

23. Mahoney type 22
Williams SAF 690
Usage: September 11, 1868-April 15, 1871
red, black

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